The records are sorted by Last name/Folio/Page. The highlighted section below shows all those with the same last name in one household, although there might have been more people of a different surname in that particular household on census night. See second example. When viewing the film of the census at your local history library, you will be able to go straight to the Folio/Page where the household will be listed under the schedule.
In the printing trade
the "folio" is the sheet of paper, which means it pertains to both sides -
'recto' and 'verso'. The folio number is the large printed number in the top
right-hand corner of the sheet /page. (There is a page number as well). You need
to check both sides of any
given folio. Details about Folio Numbers is from Blanche Charles.
Example of the information that is available.
Note: this household starts on the last line of page 18 and continue on page 19.
Last Name First name Age Folio Page Schedule
Allen Emma Susan 44 154 18 90
Allen George 32 155 19 90
Allen Hannah 12 155 19 90
Allen Thos Mattw 10 155 19 90
Allen Mattw 8 155 19 90
Allen John 6 155 19 90
Allen Albert 4 155 19 90
Allen Mary E 1 155 19 90
I have sorted all of the indexes and found this household. The lady at the top being 29 years
older that the next, I assume could be mother and son, who took in boarders to pay some of the
household expenses.
Allen Ann 59 156 22 112
Allen Geo Edward 30 156 22 112
Buxton Fred 27 156 22 112
Degg William 17 156 22 112
Emson Elizabeth 19 156 22 112
Hodson Chas Sherly 37 156 22 112
This index is produced by the Derbyshire Family History Society and is published with their permission.